(/)符号源自康定斯基和马列维奇在苏联的工作室И30中的“И”, 直译“and”。康定斯基曾在蓝骑士团体宣言中说道:“每个人都拥有一个内在的和一个外在的现实经历,应当通过艺术来巩固它。”括号本身搭建起一个象限,划分内与外之间的同时又保持着并列的平衡。此次展览命名为"Brackets Parentheses"意在表达相较于具象图案,我们更倾向于选择简单的几何形状,消除作为具象艺术根基的形式与内容之间的对立,孤立“纯粹”的符号。
The (/) symbol is derived from the "И" of Kandinsky and Malevich's studio - "И30", which literally translates "and". Kandinsky once said in the declaration of The Blue Rider: "Everyone has both internal and external experiences, which should be consolidated through art." The bracket builds a quadrant, dividing the inside and outside while maintaining a balance. The exhibition is named "Brackets Parentheses" to show that, we prefer to choose simple geometric shapes rather than realistic and complex ones, eliminate the opposition between form and content as the foundation of concrete art, and isolate "pure" symbols.
展览以方块作为视觉主元素,发散色彩与光影在二维空间的表现力。“一个方形本身就具有 一种独特的个性,一切具有自身表现性特点的要素统统要排除在绘画之外,构图的全部重点是不带任何感情因素的直⻆系统。”意在追求形式的排列组合所产生的美感。规避从一个视点观察事物和表现事物的传统方法,以直曲线轮廓,块面堆积与交错表现时间持续性带来的明暗变化与纵深感。
The exhibition takes the square as the main visual element to spread the expression of color and shadow in a two-dimensional space. "A square itself has a unique personality. All elements with its own expressive characteristics should be excluded from painting. The key point of the composition is to create a system without any emotion." It aims to pursue the aesthetic feeling produced by the arrangement and combination of forms. To show the change of light, shade, and time, we use straight and curve contour lines, block-stacking, and interlacing, avoiding the traditional method of observing and expressing things from a single point of view.
The exhibition consists of three parts: block installation, frameworks, and multimedia video. The block installation adopts the arrangement and combination of pipes, sheets, and spheres to magnify the "(/)" visual symbols. These elements are also the symbolic patterns often seen in Kandinsky and Malevich's paintings. The block installation is constructed by the form of fragmentation, analysis, and recombination pursued by cubism. Posters on the wall display the light and shadow of the square, and the time observed from different perspectives are reflected in the picture. The multimedia video creates a relaxed atmosphere. “From the external perspective, each independent line or drawing shape is an element. From the internal one, the element is not the form itself, but the internal tension active in it”
C Area,321Cultural & Creative Park,
NO.666,Donghong Road,Chengdu City.